Friday, February 28, 2014

Carbon Dioxide Emissions By Country (Tons)

2011 MLB Offensive Statistics and Valuation Metrics

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sochi Winter Olympic Medals Awarded

This is a map of all the countries that were awarded medals in the 2014 winter Olympics in Sochi. We created a calculated field of their "Medal Points" which weighted more emphasis on gold(3) medals than silver(2) or bronze(1). This enables you to visualize which countries has the highest Medal Points. You can then hover over each country to see the actual number of gold, silver, and bronze medals received.

Use this Link if the visual is not displayed properly.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Summer Olympics

This shows a summary of every country that has participated in the Summer Olympics at least once, starting with the very first Summer Olympics in 1896. The first number listed is the total medals won and the second number is the average number of medals won for the number of years that they have competed. The details also shows a breakdown of the percentage of bronze, silver, and gold medals won out of all medals issued for that medal type.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Excel Access Comparison

The Difference between how people do on the access test with their final exam and the excel test with their final exam

Friday, February 14, 2014

Affects of Not Taking Optional Exam 2

View this link for the best quality image:

The left graph shows all of the students who took the optional exam 2 and how it affects their final grade compared to the students who did not take the optional exam 2 as shown in the right graph. There is a definite negative affect on non-seniors who did not take the optional 2 exam. This difference is due to the different weighting applied to the exams and the final grade when exam 2 is not taken. 

Student Recommendation: If you are not a senior it is highly advised to take the 2 optional exam as it will increase the likely hood of increasing your final class grade.

Freshman= Red
Sophomore= Blue
Junior= Yellow
Senior= Green

Week 2 - Group G

The x-axis for the first graph is showing the summation of student scores for the book exams and the one on the right is the sum of software exams. These scores are being compared by the average quiz score on the y-axis.

 The hypothesis before creating this visualization was that there would be a positive a influence on the book exam scores with higher quiz grades. It wasn't expected seeing as much of an influence as there was showing for software exams, since one is based on applying what you've learned and the other is regurgitation of facts.

Group A - Tableau Competition Week 2

This viz is going to look much better in a new window, given that the dashboards on the blog run into the element on the left side of this page.

Click here to open the viz in a new window

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Group D

Numerical grades have been transformed into letter grades. Drill down by class & major are displayed in the visualization.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How a students final grade can be predicted by the average on their first 4 and last 4 quizzes.-Group F

This visualization displays how a student does on a calculated field of the first 4 quizzes and last 4 quizzes and how each may effect what the student will get on their final exam. We can see that the first 4 quizzes are a closer depiction of their final exam grade.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tableau Competition 1 Voting


I Thought This Was Supposed To Be Anonymous But Everyone Else Is Doing It... So Group A's Tableau Submission

In this viz we created we created some box plots that break down final scores by gender and then further by class level. We eliminated some of the points on the graph that only provided a couple data points. Overall, it appears that Juniors were the best performing students in the class and that females as a whole were outperforming their male counterparts across all grade levels. However, freshman and females had the highest median performance of all 8 potential categories. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Group B Tableau Graph

So when you first look at the graph you think OBVIOUSLY there is a relationship based on class days vs. average grade on the final exam.
Take a look at the non-CBA students there is a very large decrease in the grade non-CBA students get when they do not come to class compared to the average final exam grade of a CBA student who does/does not come to class.

Friday, February 7, 2014


In this analysis, data on several grade characteristics and measures were obtained for a given MIS class. Our primary goal is to observe the pattern of scores of students in two separate forms: 1. When scores are curved (labeled Final Exam from database) & 2. When scores are non-curved (a calculated field that puts equal weights on all exams) and both normalized to a scale of 100 points. From there we seek to drill down to study students' performance by their majors and even further according to gender(M/F) to observe their respective patterns. The visualizations as generated are as follows:

Variable Predictors for Student's Final Grade

For a more accurate visual on this graph, please view the graph via this link:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tableau Dashboard for Grades

This visualization displays the number of students of each class and major and how their average quiz grade determines their final exam grade.

Tableau Dashboard

This graph shows final score by using the first exam as an indicator and grouping by class in the trend lines. The difference between seniors and freshmen is interesting.